Exciting Times Ahead

The last couple of weeks have been stressful, bittersweet, and exciting. An exciting opportunity fell upon me and the end result is that I resigned from SpikeSource and am now starting up a company.

SpikeSource has been wonderful to me, and I've very much enjoyed my time there. I've worked …

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Pycon2007 observations and thoughts

They say you know a foreign language pretty well when you start dreaming in it. It's a pretty surreal experience at first. Well, what about when you dream that you are sitting listening to conference talks and the conference is over? (Which happened to me last night) Probably means you …

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Web Framework Panel notes [pycon]

Here's some notes from the web framework panel at Pycon, discussing various attributes of the frameworks and why python tends to have so many frameworks.

Discussion led by Titus Brown featuring:

  • Zope - Jim Fulton
  • CherryPy - Robert Brewer
  • Django - Adrian Holovarty
  • TurboGears - Kevin Dangoor
  • Pylons - Ben Bangert
  • Nevow - Duncan McGregor
  • Spyce …
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Linus on proprietary software (BK)

There is an interesting thread in the bazaar-ng mailing list going on right now. Anyway, to make a long story short (and save you from reading ~90 posts in the thread), Linus (of Linux/git fame) said the following concerning BitKeepr which I found quite insightful. (Over a year ago …

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The good and bad of python code

I recently made a list of things to do to improve ones python coding abilities for a co-worker. One of the suggestions I gave him (besides writing actual python code) was to read other's code (hopefully it's good code). So my question to you python folk is what code would …

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