Miguel has an interesting post discussing the merits of C#. This was spurred by Nitesh's email with Steve Jobs regarding the geriatric state of objective c. (While the /. commentary was somewhat interesting regarding this exchange, my thought was "How many CEOs spend their Dec 25th emailing random people asking 1 sentence questions?"... I guess no one else thought that.)

Interesting that Miguel basically dismisses JIT compilation (admitting that handcoded assembly will always be faster). How does that bode for pypy? (And the rumor that Guido is working on it at Google... I asked Guido about PyPy a month ago at BayPiggies and he said something to the effect of "If anyone can make it work, Armin can. I'm not really following it")

But more interesting is that a lot of his arguments for using Mono, could be easily applied to python. But why would you want to write python instead of C# and cut the number of lines in half? Or lose the compilation step?... That surely wouldn't make us more productive...