Lasers/Wiimotes/Python presentation at Utah Code Camp

For those in the Utah vicinity, and who want to see a cool presentation about python, wiimotes and lasers (or who really like MS products, since most sessions seem dedicated to that), my brother is presenting at Utah Code Camp. It should be a little cooler than the Pycon version …

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[Pycon 2008] Linky linky

Here's my notes on Pycon this year. I'm going to throw out a collection of links that may or may not be useful to you. If you weren't able to make the conference, hopefully this list contains a link or two that are new or interesting to you.

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[Pycon 2008] Thoughts and Observations

Here's my thoughts regarding Pycon 2008.

Benefits of conference attending

  • Face time with virtual friends - Some people/IT shops invest in established technology provided by big vendors. I've been somewhat disenchanted by the products (and underlying lockin/intentions) of many vendors. Yet open source (for the most part) has provided …
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MonetDB and SQLAlchemy

I've spent the past days starting a MonetDB backend for SQLAlchemy. My code is currently attached to ticket 874.

Here are my thoughts after spending a bit hacking out the backend (which is really slightly usable if you have nightly of Monetdb):

  • I was thinking writing the backend would require …
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Intro to python testing talk (unittest, doctest, coverage)

I'm giving an introductory talk on testing tomorrow for Utah Python. I'm planning to cover unittest, doctest, coverage and interpreting coverage results. At the end will be a hands on session for applying what we've learned. We'll write a simple program and then try and achieve good test coverage using …

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Reinteract - nifty (editable) python shell

Just watched the screencast here about Owen Taylor's improved shell. Nothing revolutionary per se, but it just looks more beginner friendly (ie you can go and edit existing expressions, rather than using shell history). Kinda reminds me of the only time I used mathlab.... some 13 years ago. Now if …

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