Fun with YUI, IE and JavaScript

I still develop JS in basically the same way I did back in 2001. Back then IE had more of a stranglehold on the browser market, but it was a horrible JS development environment. So one would use Mozilla with the Venkman debugger to make things a little easier, then …

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of OpenOffice, Symphony, KOffice, rst and python

Just a few (rambling) thoughts on OpenOffice I've been having as of late. My daughter just started Kindergarten and my wife is now caught up in the PTA. So unlike the tech world, which tends to revolve around excel spreadsheets, the PTA revolves around word documents. My wife is relegated …

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Python web framework rewrite take two....

Is the ease of developing in python a drawback? Is too much choice just confusing?

I'm in the middle of trying to get TurboGears working with Python 2.3 (the latest subversion head supposedly supports it...) to see if I can use it as a framework for SAM. (Though like …

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SAM release with AJAX!

I've updated SAM to now include a webserver. This brings along with it a new AJAXy interface (I guess this is sort of a followup to my AJAX post, Alex (dojo) and Bob (mochikit) were the only open source people who responded to my requests for comments (one commercial company …

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