New lappy, Lenovo T61p (linux edition)

My trusty r52 switches between a state of 100-200 free megs of memory and no memory on the 40 gig hard drive. Rather than investing in an expensive IBM harddrive (I've heard the BIOS on my machine won't take normal OEM drives), I got a new computer.

Since I'm a …

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Why doesn't pushd popd work in my Ubuntu shell script?

I'm in the process of moving over to my new laptop. I run into an issue where a shell script (that worked under gentoo) now no longer works. Here's the error 18: pushd: not found

Since I'm running this as


I turn on debugging with …

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Lasers/Wiimotes/Python presentation at Utah Code Camp

For those in the Utah vicinity, and who want to see a cool presentation about python, wiimotes and lasers (or who really like MS products, since most sessions seem dedicated to that), my brother is presenting at Utah Code Camp. It should be a little cooler than the Pycon version …

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[Pycon 2008] Linky linky

Here's my notes on Pycon this year. I'm going to throw out a collection of links that may or may not be useful to you. If you weren't able to make the conference, hopefully this list contains a link or two that are new or interesting to you.

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Fun with YUI, IE and JavaScript

I still develop JS in basically the same way I did back in 2001. Back then IE had more of a stranglehold on the browser market, but it was a horrible JS development environment. So one would use Mozilla with the Venkman debugger to make things a little easier, then …

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The good and bad of Asus EEE

Like many other nerds, my wife got an Asus EEE for Christmas. (ok she isn't a nerd but her husband is). (Ok, maybe she is a nerd since I've been forcing her to using Linux for so long that she doesn't mind too much anymore).

The machine is solidly constructed …

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