"How I Spent Three Years Writing a Book"

As blogger James Altucher would say, I finally have a stack of business cards. Physical business cards that I can hold in my hand! OK, they aren’t really cards, they are books. Books the I have written over the past 3+ years. I’ll try to always have a …

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"Life Is Busy"

Here is an update on what I have been up to in the last while.

Python Related

I have been approached to do some corporate Python training. I would love to do it but real life has just gotten in the way. I really enjoy helping others learn (hence my …

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"Oh (Ergonomic) Keyboard, Where Art Thou?"

TLDR I have found the perfect keyboard (for me) that has the following features:

  • Ergonomic
  • Mechanical Switches
  • Split
  • Matrix
  • Thumb keys
  • Programmable
  • Open Source (Bonus)

(My new keyboard on my standing desk stand (raised by Logitech box to correct ergonomic height). Old unicomp in background)

I’ve become a keyboard …

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"Advice to My Younger Self"

Every time I see an intern or new junior programmer I fight off the urge to give the the advice I wish someone had given me. So rather than sound preachy, I'm going to pretend that I'm from the movie Frequency and give advice to my younger self. In that …

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"How to Set Up a Goaltimate Field"

I continue to prefer Goaltimate for groups of 13 or less. It's a great game, one gets lots of touches and newbies, seasoned folks can play together. I think it improves new ultimate players throws better than ultimate does. It's great for warming up. We usually play until we have …

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"Real-life Generators and a Peeker too"

After a long day of manual labor last weekend, I spent a couple minutes relaxing by converting some PDF's to mobi files so my mom could read them on her Kindle. Her Kindle supports PDF, but reading PDF's on Kindles (especially of the non-DX eink variety) is a pain. You …

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