"Utah Python Feb 2012"

The Utah Python group will be meeting on Thursday, Feb 9th at 7pm. Amji will be doing a short presentation on a memoization decorator and Eric will be giving a preview of his PyCon talk "Interfaces and Python". Cheers.

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"Amazon KDP Select for Non-fiction Technical Books"


I'm experimenting with KDP for niche technical programming books.

The Marathon Begins

About a year ago I decided to write a book. I didn't have a story to tell. I wasn't planning on making money. My impetus was to prepare for a 3 hour long conference tutorial I …

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"Humbug to Poor eBooks"

In an effort to remedy only reading to the younger kids, my oldest and I began reading Dickens' A Christmas Carol on the Kindle Fire about two weeks ago. It has been nice to read together and it is really the first book I've read on the Kindle. (I've read …

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"eBooks for 3rd Graders"

I learned so much about serif, san-serif, html and css.
Hannah, Student in eBooks for Elementary Students

I recently had the opportunity to teach a handful of elementary students about eBooks. Every year my daughter's school has what they call "Type 2" classes, where parents come in and teach about …

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"Introducing Treading on Python"

For the past few months life has been somewhat hectic. Real work has been busy as we have been pushing to release our next generation product. In the meantime, I have been writing a book outside of work. The book, Treading on Python, is a quick paced introduction to Python …

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"Creating Category Feeds in Octopress"

The static blog generator, Octopress, does not generate per category RSS feeds by default. I thought I would need a plugin to do this but it is quite easy and a plugin is overkill. All that you need to do is create a feed file with the appropriate filtering to …

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