Here's my notes on Pycon this year. I'm going to throw out a collection of links that may or may not be useful to you. If you weren't able to make the conference, hopefully this list contains a link or two that are new or interesting to you.
- elasticwulf slides)
- ipython1 is a branch of ipython for running parallel jobs.
- elasticwulf is a set of python tools for controlling beowulf clusters on ec2.
- mpi4py is python bindings for mpi.
- )
- pyke is an expert system written in python. (Attempt at rewriting prolog in python?)
- gdata-python-client provides tools for reading/writing google data from python (programatically update spreadsheets, etc)
- Firefox EC2 Extension allows one to interact with ec2 instances from a browser.
- s3organizer extension allows one to interact with s3 from a browser.
- boto is a python interface to amazon's webservices, s3, ec2, etc.
- paramiko for scripting ssh sessions with ec2 instances.
- Normal accident theory if you call echo "">/dev/null on too many instances they will crash!?!?
- Trestle is a nose plugin for writing doctest like tests for webapps.
- Thrift is RPC for facebook (NIH). It has python bindings.
- haufe.eggserver allows for local pypi repositories. Could be useful when building your projects that depend on wheels that are constantly moving.
- Python metaweb/freebase client code allows for querying the metaweb online database (like wikipedia, but graph based).
- Ella is a cms for django that announced their open sourcing? at the conference.
- Use argparse for parsing command line scripts if you don't mind pulling in one more library and optparse isn't quite doing it for you.
- Orbited can be used as a comet server (server push instead of client pull).
- Wiimote head tracking/laser/webcam blog very cool demo code for wiimote head tracking in 3d enviroment and webcam/laser detection in python. (Disclaimer: this is my brother's blog, I've had a small hand in some of this)
- Traits is an event system for python
- Five dash is python based open source accounting software (think quickbooks).
- Geodjango extension to django to help with geospatial data. Jacob said this will go into the trunk soon.
- Openlayers js library to do googlemaps type interfaces.
- snpedia allows you to upload your dna and tells you your traits (either good or bad) has a social/wiki aspect to it.
- geopy allows one to find coordinates of addresses, cities, etc.
- pvote lightweight (<500 loc) voting engine, that should be easily certified as "secure".
- TGPPL is a new license that morphs from GPL to BSD overtime. Thought to follow same ideas as IP/Patent protection.
- pyprocessing is an attempt to get around the GIL by making a library that uses processes that has an interface very similar to the threading interface.
- pprocess is another GIL hater.